Digital Composite

Machine Learning & Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been a thread of computer science since not long after its inception, and the neural network techniques now entering common use have their origins in the 70s, however recent advances in computing power, the accessibility of large volumes of training data from the internet, and applied research create the possibilities for new types of computing in every type of business and walk of life.

The opportunities are now endless to employ machine vision, deep learning, neural networking and other machine learning technologies to all applied fields to make intelligent inferences as commonplace tomorrow as databases, workflow and mobile connected devices are today.

Gaming may be single biggest force behind the development of virtual reality technology today but, the potential of user interfaces that use all our senses for complex tasks, and of exploiting all dimensions for immesive entertainment, communications and workplace technologies, nottomention for data analysis and simulation, is starting to become clear.

We develop visualisations, simulations and applications to apply immersive VR technologies and embellishing AR technologies to real industry and lifestyle scenarios.

Virtual & Augmented Reality
Connected Web of

Continual technology advancement is now finally making possible and attractive the long predicted opportunities to internet-connect devices, sensors and things in the real world - enabling automation, efficiency and insights beyond the world of traditional computing and not previously available.

For consumers this is in homes, vehicles, public facilities, even clothes. For businesses its their buildings, equipment, assets, supply chains and more.

The permanently on smart phones that increasingly we all have with us become remote controls for the world around us.

The current generations of mobile apps on devices like the iPad and smartphones have of course changed expectations of what good software looks like. In ease of use, immediacy, control, and integration.

At the same time the web has continued to grow on its open, interconnected and cross-platform roots and has become more realtime, social. Now the people using the web are more interconnected via the web, not just the content.

The next generation of software, sites & apps in both the consumer and enterprise worlds will have both the rich app-esque user experiences, with the open, explorable, device-independent and deployment-free nature of the web.

Enterprise Online. Mobile. Cloud.

We are experts on building web and mobile solutions for enterprises. Be it for customer experiences such as online or mobile Commerce, supplier or business partner interactions, or for employee-facing requirements such as workforce enablement, process automation and data processing - modern digital techniques and technologies can are now used for them all.

We have first hand experience of some of the biggest Enterprise online solutions in Europe. Both standalone and integrated into operational business systems including SAP & hybris, Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM platforms. Knowledge of these systems together is not common, but critical to digital transformation of businesses.

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